First Year, Incoming Freshman Students

hlsamp students group photo in stairwell

​​​​​​​Academic and eligibility criteria for incoming first year freshman applicants: 

  • Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident 
  • Must already be accepted for admission to Texas State University 
  • Must be pursuing a B.S. degree as a STEM major in the College of Science and Engineering  
  • Have at least three years of state core science courses 
  • Have taken mathematics courses through pre-calculus (elementary functions), calculus preferred 
  • Rank in top 25% of high school graduating class 
  • Have a “B” average in your state core courses and a “B” average in your math/science courses 
  • SAT math and verbal scores of at least 533 or ACT Math and composite score of at least 24.

Helpful hints before you begin the application: 

  • Review the application carefully before you begin to complete it. 
  • Apply early. 
  • The online application must be completed in one sitting; data will not be saved until you press submit at the end of the application. 
  • Identify two high school teachers (preferably science and/or mathematics) who know you well and will serve as references for you. On the application, you will be asked to provide their email address. You do not need to obtain or mail letters of recommendation. Please notify your references that we will contact them via email to complete an online recommendation. 
  • You will be asked to upload your resume. 

Additional documents required: 

For high school seniors - an official high school transcript, including SAT and/or ACT scores is required. You do not need to send these to us. We will obtain your transcript(s) and scores from our Admissions Office. 
Reminder: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that references are submitted by the application deadline. 

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. 

HLSAMP Program Application

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