Musts For An Effective STEM Tutoring Session

- Students are committed to learning and know they are responsible for how they learn.
- Students come to the Collaborative Learning Center(CLC) Tutoring Center after having made a genuine effort to understand the material on their own. A genuine effort would include having read relevant chapters and attempted homework or practice problems.
- Students bring clear and complete notes from class to their tutoring sessions. Tutors require an accurate record of the professor's teaching methods and the information covered in class in order to help students learn and understand.
- Students bring their course text or other materials to the session. Tutors can most effectively address students' difficulties when they have access to the textbook.
- Students are willing to work independently during their sessions. Tutors are trained to allow students time to try problems on their own.
How to get the most out of a tutoring session:
- Start right away. Students who begin tutoring from the beginning of the semester typically do better than those who wait.
- Come prepared. Please bring your class notes and textbook. Look over the readings and try the problems. If you can, bring a list of specific questions. The more you prepare, the more you will get out of the tutoring session.
- Miss a class? Please get notes from a classmate before your tutoring session. Tutoring is not a substitute for attending class.